Speeding the Race to New Treatments and Cures 

Can we eventually prevent Alzheimer’s disease? Can we find ways of diagnosing it earlier in its development? To answer these questions, we need to first determine when, where, and how the disease originates. 

Brown’s Center for Alzheimer’s Disease Research integrates the expertise of the Robert J. and Nancy D. Carney Institute for Brain Science and the University’s Division of Biology and Medicine to examine this condition from multiple perspectives. The work integrates knowledge across biological systems in humans, including the immune, neural, behavioral, and vascular systems.

“ Our discoveries reveal new strategies to get ahead of a disease that has long outpaced us. Time is running out for millions. Through the collaborative efforts of researchers, scientists, patients, and advocates, we are moving ever closer toward our end goal of making Alzheimer’s disease a treatable, and ultimately preventable, condition. ”

Bess Frost Professor of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry Salame-Feraud Director of the Center for Alzheimer’s Disease Research

Brown is exceptionally well-positioned to advance this work: 

  • The University has existing strength in brain science, biology, and bioinformatics, including research programs dedicated to Alzheimer’s disease risk genes, neurodegeneration, and aging.
  • Our clinical faculty members are internationally recognized for their work in diagnosis, treatment, and running clinical trials at both Butler Hospital and Rhode Island Hospital.
  • The center is fostering research in Alzheimer’s disease and neurodegeneration that focuses on early detection and individualized treatment strategies, informed by genetic and biomarker data. 

In order to catalyze creative thinking and advance prevention, treatments, and cures, the center combines foundational research and clinical studies to foster collaborative work across disciplines, including neuroscience, aging, public health, and computation. Center projects range from laboratory research to large human population studies.

Why give now?

Alzheimer’s disease affects so many families, and the numbers continue to grow. You can help us shape game-changing responses to this crisis through the Center for Alzheimer’s Disease Research.

For information about specific giving opportunities, contact:

Cailie Burns
Senior Associate Dean and Strategic Advisor for Advancement, Division of Biology and Medicine
+1 (401) 863-1635

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