The Alumni Service Awards are given annually for distinguished, continuing volunteer service to Brown in any field of alumni activity “to recognize those very special people whose work, love of Brown, spirit of cooperation and selflessness stand out and who will continue to provide these invaluable services”. Six to eight award recipients are chosen each year by an anonymous committee consisting of alumni leaders and staff.
2024 Recipients
Ana M. Bermúdez ’86, P’22
A trailblazer in both her professional and volunteer work, Ana M. Bermúdez ’86, P’22 was the first openly gay person, first Latina, and second woman to serve as the Commissioner of the New York City Department of Probation. Throughout her career, she has been a steadfast advocate for children, teenagers, and young adults in the justice system. Bermúdez’s commitment to Brown and its students deepened when her daughter enrolled in 2018, leading her to join the Women’s Launch Pad in 2019. She became an active member of the Women’s Leadership Council in 2020 and continues to engage in various alumni activities. Her dedication to giving back exemplifies the spirit of the Alumni Service Award.
Max Clermont ’11 MPH’12
Max Clermont ’11 MPH’12 has shown exceptional dedication to volunteerism since graduating, consistently giving back to Brown through various roles that have strengthened the University’s alumni network and promoted inclusivity. He has served on the Brown Alumni Association’s Board of Governors, where he played a key role in founding the First Generation & Low Income Alumni Advisory Committee. Additionally, Clermont has contributed his time to the President’s Communications Advisory Council andBrown University’s Community Advisory Council, as well as co-chaired his class’s 10th Reunion. Outside of his service to Brown, he is committed to driving policy change and improving access to healthcare, leading patient advocacy in the northeast for Vertex Pharmaceuticals and supporting several nonprofit boards.
Mimi Foldes Leibner ’95, P’24, P’27
Through her extensive and ongoing volunteer work, Mimi Foldes Leibner ’95, P’24, P’27 has deeply enriched the Brown community. She currently serves as vice-chair of the Brown Annual Fund Leadership Council and co-chair of both the Class of 1995 30th Reunion Class Gift Committee and the Fundraising Committee for the 130 Years of Jewish Life at Brown celebration. Leibner has also contributed as a former area chair of the Alumni Interviewing Program and co-chair of her 25th Reunion Committee. After graduation, Mimi practiced corporate law, specializing in M&A and corporate finance transactions. Outside of Brown, her leadership has also extended to various community roles, including PTA chair, co-chair and producer of local theater programs, secretary and board member of a local arts nonprofit, and vice-president of the League of Women Voters of New Castle, NY.
Previous Award Recipients
- Jade M. Palomino ’07
- Araceli M. Hintermeister ’12
- Marco Martinez ’08
- Mandy Tachiki ’95
- John A. Andersen ’53
- Charles A. Andrews, Jr. ’51
- Constance Hurley Andrews ’48
- Harold Bailey, Jr. ’70
- Michael L. Baumstein ’76
- Bernard E. Bell ’42
- Marc C. Bergschneider ’73
- Thomas W. Berry ’69
- Francisco A. Besosa ’71
- George H. Billings ’72
- Rebecca T. Bliss ’92
- David W. Bloom ’71
- Peter D. Bopp ’78
- William J. Brisk ’60
- John Wilson Brown ’58
- Susan A. Buffum ’74
- Steven L. Burkett ’80
- Daniel M. Cain ’68
- Kwame K. Campbell ’92
- Luis E. Campillo ’04
- Joel A. Cassel ’62
- R. Glenn Cashion ’63
- J. Richard Chambers ’69
- Sheryl Brissett Chapman ’71
- David N. Chichester ’67
- Teri Williams Cohee ’79
- Kip H. Cohen ’50
- Jonathan E. Cole ’67
- Robert H. Cole ’72
- Charles T. Connell ’75
- Karen F. Conway ’84, P’16
- James J. Corbett ’62 MD
- Lauren A. Corrao ’83, P'16
- William E. Corrigan Jr. ’58
- Lee M. Cort ’76
- Angel A. Cortinas ’84
- David K. Crimmin ’72
- Oliver D. Cromwell ’72
- Joel Davis ’56
- Eric de los Santos ’89
- Ross A. deMatteo II ’35
- Dean A. Dent ’74, P ’09
- Julio A. de Quesada ’74
- Brickson E. Diamond ’93
- Joseph L. Dowling, Jr. ’47
- Delores Pastore DiPrete ’49
- Jane Fagan Donovan ’50
- Susan Au Doyle ’73
- Rebekah Hill Eckstein ’60
- Robert T. Engles ’40
- David B. Epstein ’74
- Jose J. Estabil ’84, ’88 ScM
- Lois Jagolinzer Fain ’49
- Robert A. Fearon ’51
- Herman M. Feinstein ’16
- Joseph M. Fernandez ’85
- Genine Macks Fidler ’77
- Josh E. Fidler ’77
- Dorothy Kay Fishbein ’45
- Kenneth R. Fitzsimmons ’68
- Lucinda A. Flowers ’77
- Linton A. Fluck ’65
- Jean A. Follett ’77
- Timothy C. Forbes ’76
- William C. Foster ’29
- John M. Freeman ’65
- Jim Furlong ’58
- Dorothy Berger Friar ’42
- Joan Anderson Friend ’54
- Ann M. Galligan ’77
- James K. Gardner ’65, ’68 ScM
- Kenneth K. Gee ’79
- Pamela D. Gerrol ’87
- A. Edward Giberti ’54
- Harold S. Gold, ’51
- Joan Fitzgerald Golrick ’47
- Milena Gomez-Gaviria ’79
- Marcos C. Gonzalez ’89
- Martha Clark Goss ’71
- M. Anthony Gould ’64
- Alan J. Grace ’62
- Arthur N. Green ’49
- Judith Kweskin Greenfield ’56
- Celeste F. Griffin ’41
- Mark Winston Griffith '85
- Kay Levinson Gurtin ’83, P ’13
- Naria B. A. Halliwell ’97
- Daniel S. Harrop III ’76, ’79 MD
- Ann McGeeney Harty ’53
- Cleo Palelis Hazard ’51
- Joan MacLeod Heminway ’83
- Claire J. Henderson ’61
- Patricia MacBride Hendrickson ’52
- Stanley Henshaw, Jr. ’35
- Anthony E. Higgins ’75
- Marjorie Logan Hiles ’49
- Elie Hirschfeld ’71
- Richard A. Hofmann ’77
- Mary E. Holburn ’50
- Edward W. Hu ’87
- Renee Inomata ’87
- Thomas B. Jacob ’73
- Dorsey M. James ’83
- Robert J. Janes ’47
- W. Edgar Jessup ’44
- Harold W. Jordan II ’85
- James D. Kallman ’84
- Susan Adler Kaplan ’58
- David B. Kauffman ’62
- Peter F. Keating ’66
- Lawrence A. Kerson ’64
- Cornelius E. Kiely IV ’74
- Jonathan Kim ’88
- Phoebe D. Knowles ’96
- Fraser A. Lang ’67
- Marie J. Langlois ’64
- Javette Pinkney Laremont ’80
- Victoria Leung Lee ’67
- Henry V. Leonard ’46
- Gerald R. Levine ’58
- Guy Lombardo ’62 P’97 ’99
- David S. London ’64
- Robert F. Lowe, Jr. ’61
- Jack A. Lubrano ’24
- Paul A. Lucey ’48
- E. Robert Lupone ’81
- Peter A. Mackie '59
- Paul L. Maddock, Jr. ’72, P ’04
- Eugene L. Mahr ’77, P ’07 ’11
- Robert G. Markey, Jr. ’86
- Philindo J. Marsosudiro ’89
- Joseph P. Marto ’22
- James I. Mayer ’59
- Lucas B. Mayer ’38
- Gail E. McCann ’75
- Helen M. E. McCarthy ’26
- Kenneth H. McDaniel ’69, P’13
- Bernicestine E. McLeod ’68
- Wilfred J. Meckel ’66
- Richard B. Mertens ’57
- Ellen Shaffer Meyer ’61
- Janice Peterson Michael ’50
- Steven J. Miller ’78
- Anne Jones Mills ’60
- Deborah J. Mills-Scofield ’82
- Beatrice Carter Minkins ’36
- Josef Mittlemann ’72, P ’00 ’04
- Elizabeth Newsom Mohr ’61
- John J. Monaghan ’55
- James R. Moody ’58 ScM ’65, P’97
- Brent D. Moore ’62
- Berit Spant Muh ’64
- Diana Marcus Muller ’82
- Kevin A. Mundt ’76
- Alveretta Tupper Murphy ’54
- Brian C. Murphy ’67, P’96 ’99 ’04
- Richard A. Nurse ’61
- Dorothy Oborne ’24
- Anne Murphy O’Brien ’55, P ’82 ’85 ’92
- Vicky Oliver '82
- Kenneth Padilla '92
- Stacy E. Palmer ’82
- Patricia M. Patricelli ’58
- P. Andrew Penz ’61
- Artemas Pickard ’57
- Mary Bayley Pickard ’57
- Alexandra Garbers Pruner ’83
- Richard J. Ramsden ’59
- John Reistrup ’58
- Chelsey Carrier Remington ’61
- Raymond P. Rhinehart ’62
- Suzanne M. Rivera ’91
- Elbert L. Robertson ’79
- Carmen Garcia Rodriguez ’83
- Hannelore Rodriguez-Farrar ’87
- Barbara Grad Robbins ’55
- George Rollinson ’57
- Cristina C. Sales ’90
- Robert J. Samors ’81
- Cayetano Sanchez, III ’80
- Carrie A. Savage ’98
- Nancy Josephson Sanitsky ’79
- Cynthia “Jill” Scobie '58
- Diane E. Scola ’59
- Nancy C. Scull ’63
- Richard P. Sedano ’79, P ’11
- Roger W. Shattuck ’29
- Elizabeth Munves Sherman ’77
- Randall P. Sherman ’75
- Howard D. Silverman ’36
- Ruth Tenenbaum Silverman ’36
- Roger B. Simon ’61
- Jackson H. Skillings ’37
- Joan Wernig Sorensen ’72
- Anita V. Spivey ’74
- Jill Stainforth ’69
- Paul L. Stannard ’29
- Carol A. Steadman ’76
- Irene Sinrich Sudac ’81
- Alexander Szabo, Jr. ’75
- Eleanor K. Tarpy ’37
- Terry A. Tegnazian ’74
- Joan Kopf Tiedemann ’58
- Preston C. Tisdale ’73
- Richard B. Trull ’68
- Nancy B. Turck ’68
- Daryl Twitchell ’93
- Russell J. Tyler ’71, P’00 ’02
- Charlene I. Underhill ’59
- Michael A. Ursillo ’78
- Henry A. Vandersip ’56
- Phebe P. Vandersip ’98
- Paul T. von Oeyen ’71, ’75 MD
- My-Tien Vo ’87
- Jasmine M. Waddell ’99
- Eric Y. Wai ’85
- Charles A. Walsh, Jr. ’38
- Robert Watt ’74
- Susan Weatherhead ’42
- Evan R. West ’45
- Margery Goddard Whiteman ’62
- Gordon R. Williams, Jr. ’63
- Donna C.E. Williamson ’74
- Richard A. Williamson ’65, P’03 ’15
- Ronald S. Wilson ’50
- Winthrop B. Wilson ’51
- Naeem Zafar ’81
- Erik R. Zen ’73
- Thelma Chun-Hoon Zen ’48
- Morris R. Zucker ’57