The Brown University Charitable Trust (Brown UK Trust) is a registered charity in both the UK and the US which enables UK taxpayers to obtain UK tax relief. It also may allow those liable for UK and US tax to obtain tax relief in both countries on the same contribution to Brown. Please consult with your tax advisor on your specific situation.
As a donor to the Brown UK Trust, you will receive relief on your taxes and Brown will receive additional funds from the British government in the form of Gift Aid, currently equal to 25% of the original donation. For example, your £1,000 gift yields £1,250 for Brown. You will also receive gift credit for the incremental proceeds as they are added to your contribution and designated to the same purpose as your original gift. Gifts can be made in either £ sterling or US $ by check or wire transfer. The Brown UK Trust reserves the right to deduct a small percentage of the Gift Aid to cover its administrative costs.
Only gifts made through the UK Trust are eligible for Gift Aid and a Gift Aid Declaration must be on file with the Brown UK Trust or accompany your gift. Please download the Gift Aid Declaration form and FAQs (PDF).
For more information about the Brown UK Trust, please contact Monique Mata in the Office of International Advancement at
If you have any questions regarding giving to Brown University from outside the U.S., please contact:
Office of International Advancement