Loyal Bears recognizes alumni, parents, and friends who have given any amount to any area of Brown Athletics through the Sports Foundation for two or more consecutive fiscal years.*
Loyal Bears reflect our strength as a community and ensure that Brown remains the home of exceptional men and women who seek to be role models, mentors, and leaders — on and off the field. Through their consistent annual giving, these dedicated supporters are enhancing the student-athlete experience, helping Brown to provide an enriching journey for current and future Bears.
Support Brown Athletics.
Make a gift and renew your membership or get one step closer to becoming a Loyal Bear.
Other giving options:
- BY PHONE: Make a credit card gift over the phone by calling us at +1 (401) 863-1900.
- BY CHECK: Mail a check (and indicate your program of choice in the memo section) to the Brown University Sports Foundation at:
Brown University
Gift Cashier
Box 1877
Providence, RI 02912 USA
Gifts designated to the BUSF Athletics Annual Fund, including those to a Brown team’s annual fund or the Athletic Director’s Excellence Fund, will also be recognized as part of the Brown Annual Fund. These gifts will be added to a reunion year giving totals. Athletics Annual Fund donors are also eligible for membership in the Brown Annual Fund’s recognition societies.
*Fiscal Year: July 1 through June 30.