Brown University is grateful to benefit from the contributions of its committed and generous community. Each year, the Brown Annual Fund recognizes its philanthropic leaders with membership in the Carrie Tower Society and 1764 Society.

Carrie Tower Society

The Carrie Tower Society honors donors who step forward as philanthropic leaders for Brown through their Brown Annual Fund contributions. The generosity of Carrie Tower Society members allows the University financial flexibility and ability to respond to the most pressing needs.

While only 16 percent of donors to the Brown Annual Fund are Carrie Tower Society members, collectively, they gave $44 million, making up 88 percent of all dollars given in FY24.

The Carrie Tower Society recognizes Brown Annual Fund Leaders, who offer financial support at the highest levels, and Brown Annual Fund Partners, who play a significant role in sustaining excellence on College Hill.

See below for young alumni giving levels.

Carrie Tower Society Leaders

Giving LevelsBenefits of Membership

All Carrie Tower Society Leaders receive:

• a quarterly digital newsletter of impact

• personal thanks from Brown Annual Fund leadership and a Brown student

• access to the Brown Annual Fund’s Hospitality Suite during Reunion & Commencement Weekend

• special invitations when in-person Carrie Tower Society events occur in your area

• an invitation to an annual virtual conversation with a Brown administrator or faculty member

• recognition as a member of the Carrie Tower Society

Deans’ Circle
$10,000 – $24,999

All above recognition plus:

• personal thanks from Brown staff and volunteers

• special invitations to University events

• exclusive opt-in, limited edition token of our appreciation

Provost’s Circle
$25,000 – $49,999

All above recognition

Chancellor’s Circle
$50,000 – $99,999

All above recognition plus:

• recognition on the Brown Annual Fund Donor Wall in the Stephen Robert ’62 Campus Center

President’s Circle

All above recognition plus:

• personal thanks from Brown’s President


Carrie Tower Society Partners

Giving LevelsBenefits of Membership
Cum Laude Partners
$1,500 – $2,499

All Carrie Tower Society Partners receive:

• a quarterly digital newsletter of impact

• personal thanks from Brown Annual Fund leadership and a Brown student

• access to the Brown Annual Fund’s Hospitality Suite during Reunion & Commencement Weekend

• special recognition as a member of the Carrie Tower Society

• special invitation to an annual virtual conversation with a Brown administrator or faculty member

• recognition as a member of the Carrie Tower Society

• year-end impact report and video

• special opt-in, limited edition token of our appreciation

Magna Partners
$2,500 – $4,999

Summa Partners
$5,000 – $9,999


Carrie Tower Society: Young Alumni

In recognition of the critical importance of young alumni philanthropic leadership, recent undergraduate alumni can be part of the Carrie Tower Society at alternative giving levels. Young alumni donors receive the same recognition and benefits commensurate with their giving level.

 Cum Laude PartnersDeans' Circle Leaders
current students$50 – $999n/a
0-4 years out$250 – $999$1,000 – $24,999
5-9 years out$500 – $2,499$2,500 – $24,999
10-14 years out$1,000 – $2,499$5,000 – $24,999

ACHIEVED! Carrie Tower Society Challenge

Members of the Brown Annual Fund Leadership Council (BAFLC) and Young Leadership Council (YLC) have come together to challenge members of the Brown community to join them as leadership donors to the Brown Annual Fund. Each of the first 500 donors to make a qualifying Carrie Tower Society-level gift during the challenge period will release a gift of $1,500 to The Brown Fund from the challenge pool. Together, these 500 donors will unlock $750,000 to support students and faculty.

As of January 1, 851 households have made leadership level gifts earning the $750,000 challenge in full!

Make a gift

1764 Society

The 1764 Society provides recognition to those donors who contribute to the University through the Brown Annual Fund each and every year. Members of the Society set a philanthropic example for the Brown community, while playing a vital role in ensuring that Brown continues to thrive and grow with each incoming class.

Named for Brown's founding year, the 1764 Society celebrates these loyal members of our community in four categories:

  • 3-4 Consecutive Fiscal Years of Participation
    Members are inducted into the Society upon reaching three consecutive fiscal years of giving.
  • 5-9 Consecutive Fiscal Years of Participation
    Members receive a lapel pin commemorating this milestone.
  • 10-24 Consecutive Fiscal Years of Participation
    Members are welcomed into the next level of the society upon reaching 10 consecutive years of giving. They will also receive a new lapel pin commemorating this milestone.
  • 25+ Consecutive Fiscal Years of Participation
    Members receive special recognition upon reaching 25 consecutive years of giving.

Once achieved, membership in the 1764 Society will continue until a fiscal year passes in which the member does not make a gift to the Brown Annual Fund. Former members can rejoin the 1764 Society after resuming their support of the Brown Annual Fund for three consecutive years.

Determining Membership in the Annual Fund's Recognition Societies

  • Brown Annual Fund recognition is based on the donor’s total contribution of gifts, pledge payments, and matching gifts received in a single fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). Unpaid pledges are not included.
  • Gifts made to The Brown Fund, impact funds, Brown Annual Fund affinity scholarships, the BUSF Athletics Annual Fund (including the Athletics Director’s Excellence Fund and annual funds for varsity and club athletics teams), the Brown Engineering Annual Fund, the Brown Medical Annual Fund, and the Brown School of Public Health Annual Fund are all recognized as gifts to the Brown Annual Fund.
  • Gifts designated to areas of the University other than the Brown Annual Fund are appreciated, however, they are not considered when determining membership in our Annual Fund recognition societies.

For more information about our recognition societies, contact or call +1 (401) 863-3300.

“ My gifts to the Brown Annual Fund represent an important investment in our future. As a law school professor and lawyer, I appreciate the informed, reasoned responses to current challenges that a Brown education fosters. ”

Joan M. Heminway ’83 Carrie Tower Society Leader