Serving the community, the nation, and the world is at the core of the University's mission. With our global environment facing challenges of unprecedented scope and complexity, Brown looks to take a leadership role in creating a sustainable campus and future. The Campus Sustainability Fund aims to help the University realize its ambitious goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 75% by 2025 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2040.

Support sustainability at Brown

Help Brown become a net-zero energy campus today.


Hand holding leaf



waste diverted from landfills in 2022



reduction of greenhouse gas emissions since 2018

17.2 %


greenhouse gas reduction from Brown’s 2018 baseline

Your gift to the Campus Sustainability Fund supports:

  • Overhauling the University's central power plant and heating system, eventually providing the ability to heat all buildings on campus with renewable energy sources.
  • Offsetting all Brown's on-campus electricity use through the construction of new solar and wind energy sources.
  • Reducing our energy demand through climate-smart building renovations, technology upgrades, electrification of our transportation fleets, and incorporation of new design principles across our campus.

Brown and other similar institutions have a civic responsibility to commit to sustainability because they play a major role in not only their students’ and staff members’ lives, but also the lives of surrounding communities. Brown has shown through policy and practice that sustainability is a priority, and I am glad to be involved in the process of making our community a healthier place for everyone.

Hannah Fernandez ’23 MPH’24 Intern, Office of Sustainability
Hannan Fernandez poses near a sign along the beach.

As a society, we need full-scale experiments where institutions radically rethink everything from energy consumption to purchases. At Brown we’re leading a transformation of the campus into a living lab, so that we can learn together as a community what it means to live sustainably.

Stephen Porder Assistant Provost of Sustainability; Professor of Environment and Society & Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Stephen Porder headshot

Impact funds, like the Campus Sustainability Fund, are part of the Brown Annual Fund family. Donor support of these giving options amplifies a key University priority. Your gift made to an impact fund will be used where it's most needed within the fund’s focus area, empowering the University to be strategic and effective with every dollar.

Want to learn more about the Campus Sustainability Fund? Contact us at


As part of the family of funds for annual giving with the Brown Annual Fund, gifts made to the Campus Sustainability Fund and any other impact fund are included in Annual Fund totals and the Reunion Class Gift to the Annual Fund.

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