Academic exploration is one of the hallmarks of a Brown education. Through the BrownConnect Fund, we're able to ensure this freedom extends far beyond the classroom. Donor contributions to BrownConnect provide undergraduates with summer internship and research opportunities, as well as financial support, to pursue their academic and professional goals while solving real-world problems.

Give to BrownConnect

Support academic exploration beyond the classroom.


Your gift to the BrownConnect Fund supports:

  • Creating more high-quality internships and research opportunities in a wide range of fields across the globe, including Undergraduate Teaching and Research Awards (UTRAs).
  • Providing financial support for students who might otherwise not be able to accept a summer internship or research position due to financial barriers with Linking Internships and Knowledge (LINK) Awards and Summer Earnings Waivers (SEWs).
  • Linking students with the extraordinary worldwide network of Brown alumni, parents, and friends.

Impact funds are part of the Brown Annual Fund family. Donor support of these giving options amplifies a key University priority. Your gift made to an impact fund will be used where it's most needed within the fund's focus area, empowering the University to be strategic and effective with every dollar.

85 %

of students participate in experiential learning during their time at Brown


students and alumni connecting through BrownConnect

$ 4M

funds awarded to 807 students during the 2021-22 academic year

Want to learn more about the BrownConnect Fund? Contact


As part of the family of funds for annual giving with the Brown Annual Fund, gifts made to the BrownConnect Fund and any other impact fund are included in Annual Fund totals and the Reunion Class Gift to the Annual Fund.