Curiosity. Civic engagement. Leadership.

These are hallmarks of Brown grads. That’s why thousands of you take part in the annual Alumni Elections:

  • You want a say in the future of the University and the alumni community.
  • With elections decided by as few as 50 ballots, each vote truly counts.

2024 Elections

Polls for the 2024 elections are now closed. Check back soon for final results and to learn about the newly-elected trustees.

What are Alumni Elections?

Alumni Elections include both the Brown Alumni Association's (BAA) elected officers and the Corporation's elected trustees. Which candidates appear on your ballot depends on where you are in the student-alumni journey—much as the candidates on your local and state ballots depend on where you live.

Who can vote in Brown Alumni Elections:

  • Students who are within one year of completing their first Brown degree vote for New Alumni Trustee.
  • Young alumni who graduated up to five years ago vote for New Alumni Trustee, elected Trustees, and BAA officers. 
  • All other alumni (all alums who graduated more than five years ago) vote for elected Trustees and BAA officers.

Trustee Elections

Held every year for Alumni Trustees. Held varying years dependent on vacancies for New Alumni Trustees.

One-third of Brown’s trustees take office through the Alumni Election, ensuring that a variety of alumni perspectives are represented in that body. Most trustees serve six-year terms.

In 2017, the Corporation designated two New Alumni Trustee positions for recent Brown graduates. Candidates are chosen to stand for election for this three-year position; the candidate with the most election votes becomes the next New Alumni Trustee.

Brown Alumni Association Officer Elections

Held every other year on odd numbered years.

The alumni body selects the BAA’s President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer through the Alumni Election. The previous President-Elect becomes President after a two-year term, for a total of four elected officers who lead the Board of Governors. When the President-Elect becomes the new President, they also begin a six-year term as a member of the Board of Trustees.

Who's serving now?



Reach out to the Alumni Leadership Team at