How BrownTogether redefined the student experience

For nearly a decade, campaign supporters have helped bring the world’s best students to Brown and give them the educational experience of a lifetime.

BrownTogether—the most ambitious fundraising campaign in Brown’s history—celebrated its public launch in 2015. Now, almost ten years later, BrownTogether has come to an extraordinary close. Thanks to the generosity of more than 76,800 donors, we exceeded the original goal of $3 billion in 2021—more than a year ahead of schedule—and went on to achieve a final total of $4.44 billion.

As we look back on the progress made and the aspirations still on the horizon, we reflect on the many ways that this support has made a transformative impact for our students; in our scholarship, research and teaching; and on our growing campus.

Over the course of the campaign, BrownTogether donors helped the University redefine the student experience. From growing our financial aid program to fostering an environment of belonging, exploration, and excellence—philanthropy made it possible.

Financial Aid

Together, we eliminated financial barriers for talented students to choose Brown.

Collectively, BrownTogether donors gave more than $728 million toward financial aid—including more than 400 new endowed financial aid funds for undergraduate, graduate, and medical students. This helped move the University closer toward its promise: to make a Brown education accessible and affordable to accomplished students from the widest possible range of backgrounds. 

“ I’m proud of the commitment the University has made to expand its financial aid program to ensure that cost considerations do not prevent talented students who qualify for admission from choosing Brown. It was heartening for me to see that financial aid drew such strong support from alumni across all generations, from Brown Annual Fund gifts to endowed scholarships. ”

Theresia Gouw ’90, P’28 Campaign Co-Chair; Treasurer, Corporation of Brown University
white icon of a stack of dollar bills

$ 728.2M

total raised for financial aid

red icon of grad caps flung into the air

400 +

new endowed financial aid funds

$ 129.3M

The Brown Promise

$ 224.2M

international financial aid

$ 28.8M

veterans financial aid

$ 589.2M

undergraduate financial aid

$ 92.1M

graduate fellowships

$ 46.9M

medical scholarships

White icon of an academic building with a grad cap inside

$ 502.3M

undergraduate endowed scholarships

In 2017, Brown launched The Brown Promise, an initiative to remove all loans from the University’s undergraduate financial aid awards for domestic students—making it easier for those from moderate-income households to choose Brown. In less than three months, donors spanning all ages and backgrounds had contributed the $30 million needed to put the initiative into effect for returning and incoming students starting in the 2018-19 academic year. The ambitious $120 million total fundraising goal was exceeded in 2023, fully endowing the Brown Promise and ensuring the sustainability of the financial aid initiative for generations to come. With more than $129.3 million raised so far, The Brown Promise has helped bring more than 5,147 students (and counting) to Brown.

Campaign dollars also helped Brown expand support for U.S. military veterans. One year ahead of schedule, the University announced in 2023 that it had reached its goal of doubling student veteran enrollment and surpassed its $25 million goal in endowed gifts—permanently funding full scholarships for undergraduate student veterans.

Brown has long sought out the best and brightest students from around the world. Thanks to the generosity of BrownTogether donors who helped raise $120 million, the University launched need-blind admission for all undergraduate international students beginning with the Class of 2029.

“Figuring out how to pay for a college education can be incredibly daunting for many families and, sadly, can result in some tough conversations and decisions,” says Frederic M. Alper Dean of Financial Aid Sean Ferns. “With these investments, my team is having fewer and fewer of those conversations. Being able to tell these students and their families that they can attend Brown and graduate debt-free or with limited debt is the true highlight of our work.”

Countless schools offer rigorous pre-med curricula. But Katie Barry ’19 MD’23 knew that at Brown, she would get an undergraduate education unlike anywhere else. Every day, she was surrounded by fellow brilliant students from all walks of life, was exposed to the arts and humanities, and was able to explore new curiosities and interests with the Open Curriculum.

Brown had given her the financial aid she needed to get the undergraduate education of her dreams. She hoped it would do the same for medical school. Donor support enabled her to once again choose the school she genuinely wanted to attend, one focused on the humanistic approach to being a doctor: Brown’s Warren Alpert Medical School.

“I was able to choose the school that I knew would make me into the well-rounded, compassionate physician that my patients deserve,” says Barry. 

Now graduated, Barry is doing her residency with Rhode Island’s largest health system, Brown University Health in emergency medicine. “I like going to work and feeling that what I do matters. Even if it’s messy and challenging, you feel like you’re meeting and helping real people every day.”

Katie Barry posing in front of the Van Wickle Gates at graduation

Katie Barry ’19 MD’23

financial aid recipient

Career Exploration

Together, we significantly increased resources to help students find careers after Brown.

The campaign helped transform the University’s approach to career services with the launch of the Center for Career Exploration in 2023. The center has helped empower and enable students to engage in career planning with the same spirit of exploration that permeates their academic pursuits. With more funding for experiential learning, additional staffing, and expanded career advising tailored to a wider range of industry pathways, the campaign has helped provide students with robust programs that better equip them for the evolving opportunities and challenges of the workforce of today.

With BrownTogether, the University also extended Brown’s educational philosophy beyond the classroom. Just as generations of students have discovered new interests through the Open Curriculum, Brown is giving students the tools and resources to prepare for fulfilling lives and careers after graduation.

Four studnets sitting at a wooden table on their laptops.

“Four years at Brown can go by fast. By deeply integrating career exploration into the student experience, our students can get the most out of their time here—exploring their curiosities and building the skills they’ll need to engage in high impact and meaningful careers,” says Matt Donato, executive director of the Center for Career Exploration.

Since the campaign began, it has been instrumental in the success of BrownConnect—a program that connects students with internships, research opportunities, and job openings offered by alumni, parents, and friends of Brown. Now known as BrownConnect+, this initiative has grown by leaps and bounds—allowing Brunonians to tap into the power of the Brown network.

Robayet Hossain ’26 has been transfixed by the cosmos since he was 6 years old. As a first-generation immigrant from Bangladesh, he thought his dream of one day working for NASA was a moonshot…until he came to Brown.

After discovering that Brown’s department of earth, environmental, and planetary sciences (DEEPS) conducts research with NASA, he began to once again consider a space-related career—joining Brown’s space engineering club and finding mentorship from Brown professors. He has worked on projects exploring everything from microgravity to Artemis Program lunar traverses.

Last year, his childhood dream came true when he landed a summer internship with NASA. Hossain credits the financial support he received from Brown (for both this experiential learning and tuition) in making it all possible.

“I spent an entire summer living and working at NASA, where I was able to apply the theories and lessons I learned in the classroom into actual work. One of my mentors is a professor who worked on the Apollo program in the 1970s. If you had told six-year-old me that this is what I’d be doing today, I’d never believe it.”

Robayet Hossain

Robayet Hossain ’26

internship funding & financial aid recipient


Athletics & Recreation

Together, we upped our game—both on and off the field.

Athletics has long been an integral part of life at Brown, helping to build strong students and a strong community. With investments from BrownTogether, we’ve been able to strengthen the student-athlete experience and give our teams the competitive edge they need.

white icon of a catcher's mitt, baseball, soccer ball, basketball, and baseball bat

$ 314.9M

total raised for athletics

red icon of a clipboard with game plan


head coach and assistant coach positions raised

“Brown offers one of the most empowering, student-centric experiences in higher education. In Athletics and Recreation, we are proud to embrace and embody that spirit, allowing our intercollegiate athletics program—one of the largest in the country—to become more competitive, more transformative, and more uniquely Brown,” says M. Grace Calhoun ’92, Ph.D., the Chancellor Samuel M. Mencoff ’78 Vice President for Athletics and Recreation. 

In addition to the gift from Chancellor Emeritus Sam Mencoff and his wife Ann to endow Calhoun’s position, there were many signature gifts to athletics initiatives during the campaign, including the establishment of 22 endowed head coach and assistant coaching positions, the Excellence in Athletics Fund, Florence and Gloria Miner Sports Psychology and Mental Health in Athletics Endowed Fund, the Coaches Leadership Fund, and the Joseph Edelman and Pamela Keld '83 Fund for Women's Athletics.

Members of the Brown women's soccer team on the pitch celebrating.

Over $314 million was raised for Athletics and Recreation during the BrownTogether campaign. More than $138 million was dedicated to capital projects for new facilities and renovations. When construction of the new Indoor Turf Facility is complete in January 2026, Brown will have a fully donor-funded $70 million, 76,000-square-foot, year-round space for varsity teams, club sports, intramurals, and a host of community wellness programs.

This generous philanthropic support provides opportunities for everyone on campus, from student-athletes competing at the highest level to students, faculty, and staff trying a sport or fitness activity for the first time. Investment in recreational programming and facilities, as well as significant outreach efforts in the community, helped to increase overall undergraduate engagement in recreation activities to a record 92% last year.

Calhoun says she’s not surprised by the generosity of loyal Brown Bears. “This philanthropic investment supports the work of all of our student-athletes, coaches, and staff. We are able to recruit terrific people and provide the essential resources for them to succeed and flourish at Brown, while supporting campus wellness for all through our reimagined recreational programming.”

If you’re a fan of the Brown Bears, you might know Aaron Cooley ’25 as #21 on the men’s varsity basketball team. But that’s not all he wants to be known for.

What’s Cooley’s game plan? Break into the world of filmmaking. As a child, he made short films using his mom’s camcorder. At Brown, he’s honing his craft with state-of-the-art gear and editing software that had previously been out of reach.

At Brown, Cooley has been able to author a student experience all his own — one where he can pursue his love of both basketball and film at a world-class university.

“I wanted to go somewhere with opportunities in basketball, film, and business, and Brown was that perfect balance. The connections I make while being here will impact me for the next 40 years, not just the four years I’ll spend on College Hill,” he says.

Aaron Cooley posing with a camera on a basketball court

Aaron Cooley ’25

financial aid recipient & student-athlete


Inclusion & Belonging

Together, we cultivated a welcoming learning and living environment in which students from all backgrounds can thrive.

A diverse community of learners and scholars is essential for the advancement of academic excellence. In 2016, Brown launched Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion: An Action Plan for Brown University (known as the Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan, or DIAP), which outlines Brown’s commitment that all members of our community are provided with equal opportunities to thrive at Brown. Over the course of the campaign, BrownTogether donors have helped support this goal.

The University has continued to invest in programming, space, and staffing for student centers, such as the Brown Center for Students of Color, Global Brown Center for International Students, the LGBTQ Center, the Office of Military-Affiliated Students, and the Sarah Doyle Women’s Center. One of the earliest achievements of the campaign was the opening of a center geared toward first generation and low-income students, the first center of its kind in the country. Named the U-FLi Center, it expanded its scope to also provide resources related to undocumented students.

Julio Reyes
Julio Reyes ’12 MA’22, inaugural director of the U-FLi Center

“Helping students navigate these new horizons of life at Brown and find their place here is only part of our mission,” said Julio Reyes ’12 MA’22, inaugural director of the U-FLi Center. “We work on helping students realize that their lived experience is not a weakness, but a unique strength to be harnessed. We’ve seen these students have such a heightened sense of pride in their identity.”

During the campaign, the University introduced several new giving opportunities within the Brown Annual Fund that allow donors to directly support Brown’s academic mission through diversity and inclusion initiatives, including:

A crowd of students sitting in their cap and gowns during Brown Commencement.

Beyond BrownTogether

Together, we positioned Brown to continue building its bold ambitions for the future.

While Brown has been transformed by BrownTogether, our work is not done. Plans are already underway to permanently fund the need-blind admission policy for international students.

We strive to broaden and deepen the impact of research, discovery and innovation, while strengthening education and career preparation for students. And we will continue to compete for the best students, faculty, and staff, while strengthening life on campus and engaging our full community in advancing the excellence of Brown.

The collective impact of more than 76,800 donors has propelled the University to new heights and will have a lasting effect on future generations of Brunonians and the difference they can make in their communities and the world.
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