Launched publicly in 2015 with an ambitious goal of $3 billion, BrownTogether: The Campaign for Building on Distinction will have an enduring impact on the University. Through the collective generosity and dedication of the entire Brown community, BrownTogether surpassed its original goal, strengthening investments in people, innovative education and research, and campus infrastructure and student life, building on the legacy of Brown’s first 250 years.
BrownTogether Campaign
Brown’s historic fundraising campaign reached a remarkable finale on December 31, 2024. A heartfelt thank you to the 76,800+ supporters whose generosity made it all possible–including the dedicated leadership of our campaign co-chairs.
BrownTogether Campaign
Brown’s historic fundraising campaign reached a remarkable finale on December 31, 2024. A heartfelt thank you to the 76,800+ supporters whose generosity made it all possible–including the dedicated leadership of our campaign co-chairs.
Philanthropy made it possible
See how the BrownTogether campaign has made an impact on Brown's people, programs, and campus and community.
Brown’s most successful fundraising campaign to date
A decade of unprecedented support has advanced excellence in teaching and research, financial aid, community impact, and more.
A “tremendous and lasting impact”
In her message to the Brown community, President Christina H. Paxson expresses her gratitude for the remarkable and inspiring generosity of donors—and how it will continue to shape our University for decades to come.
Campaign Results // By the Numbers

76,800 +
total donors

$ 4.44B
total raised
13,970 +
non-alumni parent donors
73.1 %
of campaign donors gave to the Brown Annual Fund

33,000 +
first-time donors

$ 728.2M
raised for financial aid
35 +
capital projects
$ 777M +
raised for capital projects
$ 1.58B
raised for education and research
49,000 +
alumni donors

endowed professorships raised
A Look at Our Impact
BrownTogether made history with its record-setting fundraising. The real impact of the campaign is reflected in the ways it has reshaped Brown. We invite you to explore some of the milestones and achievements that philanthropy made possible.
Our People
Untapped Potential / Unlimited Possibilities
Students, faculty, and staff help shape our distinctive community at Brown. One of the greatest achievements of the BrownTogether campaign has been its impact on how we support the remarkable students who pass through the Van Wickle Gates. With $728.2 million raised, we’ve expanded our financial aid programs to compete for brilliant students from the widest possible range of backgrounds. Campaign dollars also made the Brown experience richer and our campus more welcoming.
The campaign also strengthened our faculty. From Nobel laureates to National Medal of Science recipients, Brown has a long history of attracting scholars of the highest caliber to College Hill. BrownTogether has succeeded in continuing this legacy of excellence, raising 143 endowed professorships to help recruit and retain top talent. These positions have added depth in a multitude of disciplines, expanded the University’s research enterprise, and cemented Brown’s position as a leader in education and innovation.
$ 1.26 billion
As we look back on the progress made, we highlight some of the many things we accomplished through campaign giving to our people.
Together, we…
…eliminated barriers for talented students to choose Brown.
- $129.3 million raised for The Brown Promise, eliminating loans from University financial aid awards
- $224.2 million raised for international student aid
- $28.8 million raised for student veteran aid
- offered expanded fellowships and other support for graduate and medical students
…invested in building and sustaining a world-class faculty.
- 143 endowed faculty positions raised, aiding in the recruitment and retention of top scholars
- increased recruitment of faculty from historically underrepresented groups (HUGs)
…cultivated a vibrant community.
- strengthened and expanded student centers
- established new affinity scholarships
Education & Research
Empowering Collaboration / Advancing Knowledge
Brown has long been heralded for its ability to bring people and ideas together. With campaign dollars, we built on this unique strength, positioning Brown as a nexus where education and research come together to tackle complex world issues. BrownTogether saw the emergence of multiple new centers and institutes in critical areas of inquiry that benefit from a multidisciplinary approach—from understanding the human brain to sustaining life on earth to cultivating creative expression and and exploring the human experience.
The campaign created more opportunities for students to engage in experiential learning and, with the expansion of career services with the Center for Career Exploration, Brown is giving students more opportunities to learn and explore life beyond the classroom and beyond the Van Wickle Gates.
$ 1.58 billion
As we look back on the progress made, we highlight some of the many things we accomplished through campaign giving to education and research.
Together, we…
…supported breakthroughs in deciphering disease and improving population health.
- $100 million gift to drive research into brain and nerve disorders and name the Robert J. Carney and Nancy D. Carney Institute for Brain Science
- $30 million raised to establish the Center for Alzheimer’s Disease Research
- $25 million to accelerate discovery at the Legoretta Cancer Center
…deepened our understanding of the human experience, our society, and our world.
- expanded the critical work of the Ruth J. Simmons Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice
- cultivated creativity with the growth of the Brown Arts Institute and the creation of the Ronald O. Perelman Arts District
- increased support for centers of thought and solutions-driven research, including the Cogut Institute for the Humanities, the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, the Institute at Brown University for Environment and Society, and the Orlando Bravo Center for Economic Research
…prepared students to pursue lives of usefulness and reputation.
- established the Nelson Center for Entrepreneurship
- increased experiential learning opportunities and the financial support for students to pursue them
- launched the Center for Career Exploration and strengthened the connections between students and Brown’s network of 100,000+ alumni
Campus & Community
Evolving Campus / Inspiring Community
To meet the needs of our 21st century learning community, BrownTogether made deep investments in improving our physical spaces and enhancing campus life. The past decade has ushered in a remarkable era of campus development.
Campaign donors helped to create and update facilities across the University. From renovating existing spaces to the construction of new facilities, we’ve made improvements to residence halls, classrooms, laboratories, athletics facilities, and performing arts spaces—a tangible legacy of impact that will endure for years to come.
$ 982.2 million
As we look back on the progress made, we highlight some of the many things we accomplished through campaign giving to our campus and community.
Together, we…
…built new, state-of-the-art facilities where research, discourse, and creativity can flourish.
- opened the Engineering Research Center
- constructed The Lindemann Performing Arts Center
- expanded the Watson Institute with the addition of Stephen Robert ’62, P’91 Hall
- began work on the William A. and Ami Kuan Danoff Life Sciences Laboratories, an integrated life sciences research facility
- renovated Churchill House—home of Rites and Reason Theatre and Africana Studies
- ensured that all new construction and major renovation projects are designed to, at minimum, meet the LEED Silver Standard
…supported our students with the creation of new living and learning spaces.
- created more on-campus housing for students with the Chen Family and William and Ami Danoff residence halls
- promoted student well-being and community with the Sternlicht Commons and Brown University Health & Wellness Center
- renovated the iconic Friedman Hall, improving classroom space and accessibility
…upped our game with both new and upgraded athletics facilities.
- built the Center for Lacrosse and Soccer
- renovated multiple spaces, including the the Berylson Family Football Complex, Marston Boathouse, and Meehan Auditorium
- began work on an Indoor Turf Facility
Brown Annual Fund
Today’s Vision / Tomorrow’s Promise
During the campaign, the Brown Annual Fund grew by leaps and bounds, surpassing $50 million in each of the past three years. Over the past decade, the unrestricted dollars given to the Annual Fund have become one of the University’s most powerful and flexible resources, constantly helping Brown meet the evolving and pressing needs of our students, faculty, staff, and campus community, and providing the ability to harness emerging opportunities that advance our academic mission.
$ 447.1 million
As we look back on the progress made, we highlight some of the many things we accomplished as a community through campaign giving to the Brown Annual Fund.
Together, we…
…provided support to the University when and where they needed it most.
- raised the current-use funding needed to put The Brown Promise “no-loan” initiative into immediate effect and sustained our financial aid efforts in many other ways
- ensured access to immediate-use resources to help with the recruitment and retention of world-class faculty; fund innovative, self-directed learning opportunities for students; and bolster the graduate student experience
- provided emergency financial assistance to students
…offered new avenues for Brunonians to support Brown in ways meaningful to them.
- established a suite of affinity scholarships
- created impact funds to support high-priority initiatives
…grew our community of philanthropic supporters.
- motivated 73.1% of all BrownTogether donors, who gave to the campaign through the annual fund
- inspired 29,220 first-time annual fund donors
“ As a tight-knit and supportive community, we all live up to the campaign’s name – BrownTogether – every day. What will always be ever true about Brown is that we all share in both its history and its future. I am so proud of what we all have accomplished together in this campaign. ”