Who Can Join Undergraduate Alumni, Medical Alumni, Parents
Contact Darlene_Williamson@brown.edu
Department Office of Biomedical Advancement
Tags Biology & Medicine

Help Our Students Travel

Volunteer Opportunities

Help Our Students Travel (HOSTs) volunteers provide a place for fourth-year medical students from The Warren Alpert Medical School to stay while traveling for residency interviews or month-long away rotations.

This program matches fourth-year medical students with an alumni or parent host in a community where they are interviewing or completing an away rotation. If matched with a student seeking housing in their area, hosts will be contacted by the student directly to check availability and coordinate the stay.


  • Medical alum, undergraduate alum, or Brown parent with a room to spare
  • Live in proximity to a hospital system


Residency Interviews

  • Residency interviews take place between October and February
  • Provide no-cost accommodations for up to one to three nights

Away Rotations

  • Away rotations take place between June 1 and September 30
  • Provide no-cost accommodations for a four-week continuous stay
  • Must be able to host for the full month-long duration without breaks

How To Get Involved:

To register as a HOST, fill out the corresponding application forms below.